Small businesses are looking for ways to implement new business models ahead of lockdown. In this article, we have highlighted how an Online Business can help small business owners survive this Covid-19 Lockdown Situation in India.
Tips to Survive this Coronavirus Lockdown
It is said that the coronavirus has spread since the end of last year, but its ferocity has spread to the world in just three months. Without the development of a silver bullet and a vaccine, the virus will not be swept away in no time, so it may be necessary to survive with the coronavirus for the time being. So, when there is no existing solution to this Covid-19 Pandemic, how will the small businesses survive? 95% of small businesses operate only offline, so when there is no offline contact with the end-users how do we sustain our businesses. The best way to give our business a quick start and to utilize this lockdown period to its maximum is to start moving Online. Every Small business owner has this opportunity to make it big, to reach the masses through the medium of the internet. Let us take you through the benefits of taking your business Online during this period.
Using the Lockdown Period Advantageously:
Instead of focusing on your doors being temporarily closed or revenue considerably reduced, try to see this crisis as a window of opportunity. The shift from physical business to the digital business has both, a challenge and an opportunity for all small business owners. Now is the time to build an image of your Company. Building an image for the company should be enough reason to start a new website and begin selling online or provide online services. In the New Digital Era, it is very important to have an online presence. A website is like a storefront of a business. If you need help with building a website, you can contact a professional website development agency to help you get started. Nowadays the cost of a website is lesser than buying clothes. You just need to contact the right agency for building your website.
Shift Your Business Online by providing virtual services:
To Control the Outbreak of coronavirus, the government has imposed a never-ending lockdown throughout the country which has a devastating effect on all small businesses in the country. However, there are many technical solutions available to assist you to provide services to your customer. Be it a Salon, Spa, massage center, Gym, Bike or automobile repair shop you can all earn by providing virtual services to your customers not limited to your own area but also across the world. For example, if you own a salon, you can offer online hair cut & trimming services where you can guide them step by step through video chat on how exactly they can do it on their own or with help of family members.
This way you can retain your customer and also earn a few bucks. Who is going to forget a salon that provided online instructions for grooming at affordable rates? Also imagine those customers going on Video call with family, friends, and colleagues and sharing stories about how you have transformed your business. Imagine how your business volume will increase!!!
Very Low Startup cost and Maximum utilization of all your resources:
If you contact a professional digital marketing agency like AJTechDigital, you can move online and start earning at the lowest cost possible in the market. Starting an Online business has very low to no cost involved. You don’t need big infrastructure, new employees, or any additional resources. Just build a website and go live. Rest everything can be done from your smartphone. You can ask your current employees or family members (if you run your business alone) to help you by dealing with different social media apps. They can promote your website through social media platforms like, Instagram, Facebook, and the very famous Tik Tok app. Everyone is bored by sitting ideal at home, people will love to help you build your online presence as they will get an opportunity to explore for themselves.
Upskill Employees and Work from the comfort of your Home:
Now when you have decided to go online, your employees may need some training. There are many online platforms like Udemy, Edx, etc. where your employees can learn the desired skill at free of cost. We can help you with the links to your course if you would tell us your exact requirement. By doing this, you are providing an opportunity for your employees to learn a new skillset. The benefit is 2 ways as you will be able to take advantage of their new skills and they will be able to practice and improve what they learned. In Addition to this, you and your newly skilled employees would not have to risk lives and go outside for anything. You all can earn and grow together from the comfort of your home. Also, this new habit will prove useful when the employees are not able to attend work because of many reasons for a longer period. You can offer them the Work from home policy where is they can be productive even if they are not able to attend physically.

Feel Free to Share Your Concerns with the us
Eventually, the world will return to business as usual. Until then, it’s critical that small business owners use every tool in their arsenal to stay strong. Contact our digital marketing experts in USA & Canada to help you plan a strategy. We offer free consultancy service for Business Owners willing to transform themselves.